
Shortest route to cover all roads in an area

Given a finite number of roads, what is the shortest possible route to cover all roads?
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Replacement for clone_view() in Drupal 8

In Drupal 8, view::clone_view() (Drupal 7) and its inital replacement ViewExecutable::cloneView() was removed in #1858054: Remove ViewExecutable::cloneView(). Occasionally, a module may have the need to copy a view to perform additional query modifications without affecting the original view (think attachments and aggregation). Luckily, there are a couple of ways to perform a similar cloning.
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Quick tips on using Devel and Kint for Drupal 8 debugging

In the Drupal 8 Devel module, a wrapper for the Kint debugging tool is included. Here are some useful quick navigation tips that may not be obvious.
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